Joe & Bella, My Dad & Me

Joe & Bella is a website for older adults and their caregivers, where they can shop to find anything from adaptive clothing to home health equipment.

My experience with Joe & Bella began when I first took a look at their online store, and found the simplified experience to be comforting. As a new caregiver, feeling overwhelmed is the name of the game. Joe & Bella have pared down the options, serving up one or two top-quality models of everything you could need. Also, as a new caregiver, you don’t know what you don’t know, and you don’t know what you need. When my husband and I decided to move my dad into our home, I knew I would have to make many adjustments so that our home would be safe and comfortable for him.

Where he experienced most trouble was getting up and down from any seated position. One search and my home was set: handles to integrate into his favorite chair, and, most importantly, free-standing safety rails for the toilet.

Since he has Parkinson’s, exercise is important yet mobility is limited. These cycle pedals can be done while lying on the ground, and also used by me while sitting and working at the computer!

Then, our journey took a bit of a sharp turn. Mobility had become more of an issue, and mealtime was hard. Turning again to Joe & Bella, I decided the over-the-bed-table would be helpful, even if used in the living room.

It was perfect.

Then the sharp turn came. There was another stroke. When my dad was released into home care, the over-the-bed table was absolutely essential.

I couldn’t have cared for my father upon his return without the table.

As is common in the lives of caregivers who often put their own health on the back burner, I was struck suddenly with unbearable kidney stone pain that had me taking an Uber to the Emergency Room. Two emergency surgeries later, I had two kidney stones removed and stents installed to help me pass the debris. Want to guess how I made it through my own recovery? Using the over-the-bed table to do any and everything while I couldn’t get out of bed.

I love Joe & Bella. They love caregivers. If you use the code IAlly at checkout, you will get 10% off your first order at

Joe & Bella, My Dad & Me was originally published in I-Ally on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


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